We work with many organisations, charitable trusts and funders who help give COGS a boost to do the things we want to do. Donations and Grants can go from helping with general running and core costs, to specifice projects onsite and in the community.


We were absolutely delighted to receive a cheque for £3000 in July 2024 from The Archer Trust towards our work in education and the community.

A huge thanks to the Blakemore Foundation for their £100 donation to us to use for running costs! It is very much appreciated!

In November 2023 we were presented with an award for £2026.14 from the Co-Op Community Fund. We would like to thank everyone that shopped at Swan Island and Morley Road Co-Op Stores to help support us!

The lads were absolutely thrilled when we received a grant of the Barchester Charitable Foundation to purchase 2 electric lawn mowers! The Barchester’s Charitable Foundation is a registered charity that helps older people and other adults with a disability or mental health problems across England, Scotland & Wales. They give grants to help people connect or re-connect with others in their local community, and their focus is to combat loneliness and enable people to be active and engaged.

To find out more about Barchester’s Charitable Foundation and information on how small groups/charities and individuals can apply for a grant, please visit their website www.bhcfoundation.org.uk

In June 2023, The Harry Payne Fund, through The Heart of England Community Foundation gave us  a grant to help with our general running costs.